Knowing where to explore for information on service improvement; or developing a new discipline within your service can be difficult. Below are some links or suggestions that you may find helpful.
NHS England, BAA , BSA and NHS Services publish proforma documents or protocols online. For example; if you are in discussion with your local commissioners to start a service . The BAA BAA Guide for commissioners and_health_boards-5.pdf ( has developed a guide to direct you. NHS England has provided an example of the actual service specification document that you and your commissioners can use NHS England » Adult Hearing Service Specifications
In Their Own Words: our new report on the state of UK audiology services
It isn’t always necessary to re-invent the wheel you can adapt other services documents for yourself. The below link is an example document for Adult Audiology AQP self referral in Lancashire and Cumbria.
Wales: Direct Audiology Referral for MRI is an example of audiology services directly ordering MRI’s.
Lastly don’t forget to look at publications such as the The Hearing Journal, Audiology Online, Audacity by the BAA.