
BSA Certificate in Basic Audiometry & Tympanometry

3 day course – £695 per person

This 3-day training course prepares delegates to carry out air conduction and bone conduction audiometry according to BSA procedure. It does not prepare delegates to carry out the masking procedure, and where masking is required, there must be local protocols in place for referral to a suitably qualified audiological professional. Otoscopy shall be carried out by the delegate to decide whether contraindications exist, and/or if there is any doubt about whether the procedure should continue. In such cases referral must be made to a suitably qualified audiological or medical professional.

Tympanometry shall be used as part of a battery of tests to identify any abnormalities of the middle or outer ear. This training course prepares delegates to interpret tympanometry traces and to explain results to patients/clients and/or refer appropriately. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the supervisor/medical professional to ensure suitable ongoing management for the client.

This BSA accredited course will enable you to:

    • Perform otoscopy reliably and according to BSA recommended procedure
    • Undertake air conduction and bone conduction audiometry (without masking) and tympanometry and according to BSA recommended procedure
    • Carry out Stage A checks and understand the requirements for calibration of equipment
    • Operate a sound level meter and measure ambient noise levels
    • Interpret results and findings, recording results
    • Communicate results and findings to other professionals

A certificate will be awarded upon full attendance of the course, with successful completion of both the practical and written assessment.

Note: Audiometry and Tympanometry should only be undertaken by those whose job description specifically includes it, and where an employer has identified who is liable in the event of any claim for accident or injury etc.

Please take a look at our  training calendar  for details of all our upcoming courses. To book a place on this course, please complete an online booking form

BSA Certificate in Basic Audiometry 

2 day course – £575 per person 

This 2-day training course prepares delegates to carry out air conduction and bone conduction audiometry according to BSA procedure. It does not prepare delegates to carry out the masking procedure, and where masking is required, there must be local protocols in place for referral to a suitably qualified audiological professional. Otoscopy shall be carried out by the delegate to decide whether contraindications exist, and/or if there is any doubt about whether the procedure should continue. In such cases referral must be made to a suitably qualified audiological or medical professional.

Suitable for healthcare employees who are not qualified audiologists and are required undertake routine audiometry. Typical delegates include occupational health workers, assistant or associate audiologists, Teachers of the Deaf, GPs and nurses.

  • Perform otoscopy reliably and according to BSA recommended procedure
  • Identify contraindications for testing
  • Reliably undertake audiometry and record results according to BSA recommended procedures
  • Carry out Stage A checks and understand the requirements for calibration of equipment
  • Operate a sound level meter and measure ambient noise levels (Audiometry only)
  • Interpret results and findings
  • Identify the need for further testing and onward referrals
  • Communicate results and findings to other professionals

A certificate will be awarded upon full attendance of the course, with successful completion of both the practical and written assessment.

Audiometry should only be undertaken by those whose job description specifically includes it, and where an employer has identified who is liable in the event of any claim for accident or injury etc.

Please take a look at our  training calendar  for details of all our upcoming courses. To book a place on this course, please complete an online booking form

BSA Certificate in Tympanometry

1 day course – £350 per person

Suitable for healthcare employees who are not qualified audiologists and are required undertake routine audiometry and/or tympanometry. Typical delegates include occupational health workers, assistant or associate audiologists, Teachers of the Deaf, GPs and nurses.

This 1-day BSA accredited course by TJ Audiology Training will enable you to:

  • Perform otoscopy reliably and according to BSA recommended procedure
  • Undertake tympanometry and according to BSA recommended procedure
  • Carry out Stage A checks and understand the requirements for calibration of equipment
  • Operate a sound level meter, measure ambient noise levels
  • Interpret results and findings, recording results
  • Communicate results and findings to other professionals

A certificate will be awarded upon full attendance of the course, with successful completion of both the practical and written assessment.

Please take a look at our  training calendar  for details of all our upcoming courses. To book a place on this course, please complete an online booking form