Tracy James visits Estonia

Tracy James of TJ Audiology delivered a 3 day BSA certificate training course in Audiometry and Tympanometry at Medivar in Tallin, Estonia. Tallinn was fantastic, with a beautiful old town; cobbled streets, 14th Century buildings and lots of history. Estonians are also very exotic with only 1 million inhabitants. For those of you that don’t know – Estonians speak Estonian which has a lovely sing song lilt to it.

The training course was delivered to 5 employees in English and I was amazed at how those on the course (and Europeans in general) were able to use English in their day to day lives. Everyone took great assurance in having lots of practice time and as the group was small, there was lots of time to make sure that questions could be answered. Some of what we covered included anatomy and physiology, otoscopy images (possible abnormalities we may come across), contraindications, physics of sound as well as the practical procedure.

Feedback included: “Very thorough and in-depth. Informative, professional and gave consistent support and feedback to the practical assessments as well as to how we were progressing in general. Pace was perfect.”

I was pleased to have visited both Estonia and Medivar and to learn more about Estonian culture as well as Audiology Services. Medivar is a European distributor of health equipment, including Audiology equipment and supplies. I found the people I worked with there very professional and I was very well looked after. Thank you very much!


Tallinn Audiology Training Estonia Audiology Town Walls Estonia Audiology Training