Impression Taking Refresher (online)


This online course offers an opportunity to refresh existing knowledge of ear anatomy, otoscopy and impression taking.

This refresher course is suitable for professionals who are already trained in impression taking and who take, or are due to take impressions routinely in their workplace.

Course overview

    • A revision of ear examination in accordance to BSA otoscopy guidance
    • A revision of ear pathology – including identifying abnormalities,  diagnosis and management
    • Refresher training of aural impression taking – including why mistakes may occur
    • Ear moulds refresher training
    • How to solve problems with difficult ears (eg. collapsed ear canals, patient chronically unhappy with their ear mould)
    • Reminder on onwards referral processes and recommendations on how to establish relationships with local GPs and ENTs 

1st August 2024 – 10am-2:30pm via Zoom